Film archive
Muri the Cat Maček Muri: štiri zgodbe iz Mačjega mesta
Boris Dolenc, Jernej Žmitek / Slovenia / 2020 / 44 min / Slovene / 4+
Four episodes of the Mury miniseries, among them also the latest one about a nail-biting football game between the Cubs and the Tigers. The series is based on Kajetan Kovič’s eternally popular Mury the Cat.
Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat
Bo Welch / USA / 2003 / 82 min / Slovene subtitles, English / 8+
A Cat in Paris Une Vie de Chat
Jean-Loup Felicioli, Alain Gagnol / France / 2010 / 64 min / English, French
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
Eric Darnell in Tom McGrath / USA / 2008 / 89 min / Dubbed / 5+
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath, Conrad Vernon / USA / 2012 / 93 min / Dubbed / 6+
Madame in njena nečakinja (Nečakinji gospe polkovnice) Madame und Ihre Nichte
Eberhard Schröder, ZRN 1969 / 1969
Hungary visiting: The Angler on the Moon Madžarska na obisku: Ribič na luni
various / 45 min / 4+
For children aged 4 and up.
Shooting the Mafia Shooting the Mafia
Kim Longinotto / Ireland, USA / 2019 / 94 min
Sicilian Letizia Battaglia began her long-time fight with the mob when she first dared to point her camera at a victim cruelly murdered. By documenting the barbaric rule of the cosa nostra, she became a relentless witness of their crimes. Her life was marked by defiance and passion.