Film archive
Kraljica sužnjev Die Sklavenkönigin
Mihály Kertész (Michael Curtiz), A/GB 1924 / Austria, United Kingdom / 1924
Kratki animirani filmi Konija Steinbacherja Kratki animirani filmi Konija Steinbacherja
Koni Steinbacher / Slovenia
Kratki animirani filmi Marjana Mančka Kratki animirani filmi Marjana Mančka
Marjan Manček / Slovenia
Europe in Short - 1. program (2021) Kratki filmi - 1. sklop (2021)
various / 86 min
Competition Programme
Shorts for Adults I: The Great Flood Kratki za odrasle I: Vesoljni potop
različni avtorji / various / 73 min
Ops, have you noticed there’s water in our ship and now we’re sinking? And there’s no guide on what to do next! Existential meltdown, funeral, eerie trip to a luxurious place, or party in a gay club? Maybe we should just sing a swan song to the world as we know it. The melody may be bittersweet and absurd, yet still chasing the new horizon. Sometimes we need to hit rock bottom before we reemerge.
Shorts for Adults II: A New World Rising Kratki za odrasle II: Novi svet
različni avtorji / various / 75 min
Uf, we survived the flood, and now everything is ruined. But something unexplored is forming from the watery chaos. Think of this land as a space for all kinds of possible futures. What do you see? What is your fantasy? A new planet, a hidden forest, or maybe Barbieland? Let’s emerge into these worlds together and be transformed by their infinite possibilities. Wake up—it’s time to rise and shine!
Shorts for Adults: French Edition Kratki za odrasle: po francosko
različni avtorji / France / 77 min
Subversive, shocking, embarrassing and controversial, soak up the Midnight Special experience with the WTF Programme that brings together seventeen of the craziest short films around! Why don’t you step outside your comfort zone, be flabbergasted, shudder, roar with laughter or weep watching these two programmes selected with love to fire up the Animateka 2022? Adults Only (18+)
Shorts for Adults: WTF2022 Kratki za odrasle: WTF 2022
različni avtorji / various / 75 min
Subversive, shocking, embarrassing and controversial, soak up the Midnight Special experience with the WTF Programme that brings together seventeen of the craziest short films around! Why don’t you step outside your comfort zone, be flabbergasted, shudder, roar with laughter or weep watching these two programmes selected with love to fire up the Animateka 2022? Adults Only (18+)
Kratkohlačniki Izbrani kratki filmi za otroke
razno / Norway, Ireland, Slovenia, France / 49 min / Slovene subtitles, Norwegian, Slovene, English, French / 8+
Kratkohlačniki 2017/2018 Najboljši kratki filmi za otroke in mlade
razno / Slovenia, Norway, Australia / 45 min / Slovene subtitles, Norwegian, Slovene, English / 8+
Kratkohlačniki: Za vogalom Kratkohlačniki: Za vogalom
Áron Horváth Botka, Martin Turk, Anton Martin Emeršič, Katarina Rešek, Urša Kos / Slovenia / 2023 / 79 min / Slovene / 12+
Downsizing Downsizing
Alexander Payne / USA / 2017 / 135 min / English
An insightful social satire from Alexander Payne offering a humorous response to overpopulation: instead of reducing our consumption, we could simply opt to downsize ourselves… Opening film at the 2017 Venice Film Festival.