In a dystopian near-future Japan, a dog-flu virus spreads through the canine population of Megasaki City. When the corrupt Mayor Kobayashi banishes all dogs to Trash Island, his orphaned nephew Atari sets off in search of his bodyguard-dog Spots.
Isle of Dogs Isle of Dogs
voices Bryan Cranston, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Greta Gerwig, Frances McDormand, Scarlett Johansson
IMDbWhat's On
All We Imagine as Light All We Imagine as Light
Payal Kapadia
Wednesday, 22. 01. 2025 / 16:30 / Main Hall
Young up-and-coming Indian filmmaker, Payal Kapadia, crowns her fiction debut with the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival.
Smoke Sauna Sisterhood Savvusanna sõsarad
Anna Hints
Wednesday, 22. 01. 2025 / 18:00 / Small Hall
In the Estonian countryside, a group of women meet in a smoke sauna by a lake in the woods. In this intimate, deeply empathetic debut documentary by Anna Hints, in the safe darkness of the traditional smoke sauna, they share their deepest secrets and most personal experiences. Winner of the European Film Award for Best Documentary.