The protagonist of this children's film, nine-year-old Una, finds it hard to make friends. In fact, her goofy Grandpa is her only friend. One evening, Una witnesses Grandpa's abduction by aliens. Trying to solve his disappearance, Una discovers a secret compartment in the basement, full of alien artifacts. However, her attention is captured by a grumpy little alien robot. This extraordinary find leads to a new friendship. The rational robotic logic gets replaced by emotions, and Una's selfless love ultimately saves her partly alien family.
My Grandpa is an Alien Moj dida je pao s Marsa
What's On
All We Imagine as Light All We Imagine as Light
Payal Kapadia
Wednesday, 22. 01. 2025 / 16:30 / Main Hall
Young up-and-coming Indian filmmaker, Payal Kapadia, crowns her fiction debut with the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival.
Smoke Sauna Sisterhood Savvusanna sõsarad
Anna Hints
Wednesday, 22. 01. 2025 / 18:00 / Small Hall
In the Estonian countryside, a group of women meet in a smoke sauna by a lake in the woods. In this intimate, deeply empathetic debut documentary by Anna Hints, in the safe darkness of the traditional smoke sauna, they share their deepest secrets and most personal experiences. Winner of the European Film Award for Best Documentary.