This documentary film takes us to a summer in Laredo, Texas. During their endless evening discussions, the 21-year-old Beba and 18-year-old Silvia, the directors and protagonists of the film, keep looking across the river back to Mexico. Together, they are waiting for their green card. Even though they find themselves in a predicament, that does not hinder their experiences full of heroism, DIY activism, joy and real friendship, which, like a warm blanket, hugs them in the cold night.
Let film take you across the rainbowy border into an unforgettable summer!
»Hummingbirds has been lovingly crafted by a team of mostly first-time filmmakers in all
key roles at all stages of the project. We describe our approach as a collaborative
apprenticeship model of filmmaking, where artists who are new to nonfiction cinema
share responsibilities and credits with more experienced mentors. In this dynamic, the
exchange of learning goes both ways. The Hummingbirds team is predominantly
Mexican American, predominantly Texan, predominantly queer, predominantly women/
non-binary, and predominantly Fronterize. We hope that Hummingbirds can become a
template for industry access and early career development across all crew positions on
documentary films, contributing to a world where more directors, producers, editors,
cinematographers, field recordists, colorists, animators, composers, mixers, and sound
designers work on films that reflect their own communities, identities, and experiences.«
– statement by the film crew on the making of the film
»The film is a beautiful story. The directors invite us into their world for one summer. It is not a carefree world, but their friendship gives them strength. It is like a warm blanket on a cold night. Even though a shadow of uncertainty hangs over the warm summer days, they still live them to the full and create wonderful memories together. The film touches on many social issues that affect the lives of the main characters. Yet these problems are only a piece of the whole puzzle in their lives.«
– Tim Čerin, member of the 8th Kinotrip generation
In cooperation with the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana and the Festival of Migrant Film.