Head Up! / Kopf Hoch!
Gottfried Mentor (STUDIO FILM BILDER , SWR), GERMANY, 2015, HD, 2:45
Two goats are learning from each other.
Kariem Saleh, GERMANY, 2015, 3:58
A happy little tiger is imprinted on a food plate. But if you leave him alone, and he doesn’t find anything to eat on his plate, he will leave it and travel the lunch table to satiate his appetite.
The Elephant and the Bicycle / Le Vélo de l’éléphant
Olesya Shchukina, France/Belgium, 2014, 9 min
An elephant lives in a town among people and works as a street cleaner. One day, he sees a big billboard advertising a bicycle. It seems the perfect size for him! This is the minute the elephant's life changes: he has to get this bicycle whatever it costs him.
Snowflake / Snejinka
Natalija Černiševa, Russia, 2012, 6 min
Once a little African boy got a letter. In the letter he found a snowflake made of paper. He liked it so much that he wished to see it in reality as he wondered how real snow looks like.
Ant / Ameise
Julia Ocker, Germany, 2017, 4 min
The ants are working together perfectly. But there is one ant who is doing everything differently.
The Pocket Man / Le Petit Bonhomme De Poche
Ana Chubinidze, France/Switzerland/Georgia, 2016, 6 min
A little man lives in an old suitcase. One day he finds a new friend – an old blind man. The little man jumps into the blind man's pocket. With music, the pocket man helps the blind man to walk safely in the street. Both are very happy together.