In 37 BC, a young Illyrian named Volsus joins a Roman unit whose encounters with local, supposedly subjugated Illyrian tribes turn its seemingly simple task of collecting taxes into a perilous journey full of unexpected twists. Through the eyes of the youngster, regarded by the Romans as a primitive barbarian, we see an archaic, emotional world of quaint and brutal laws and traditions, not all that different from our own.
Illyricvm Illyricvm
Through the eyes of a young Illyrian, a Croatian director shows an ancient world of brutality not all that different from our own.
What's On
The Substance The Substance
Coralie Fargeat
Monday, 06. 01. 2025 / 20:30 / Main Hall
A blood-soaked body-horror film about the quest for eternal youth. Best Screenplay Award at Cannes and Demi Moore’s triumphant comeback.
Megalopolis Megalopolis
Francis Ford Coppola
Tuesday, 07. 01. 2025 / 15:20 / Main Hall
The highly anticipated new film by one of the greatest directors of all time is also one of Francis Ford Coppola’s most adventurous and ambitious works to date.