Set against the backdrop of 1950s Poland, Berlin, Yugoslavia and Paris, Cold War by Academy Award-winning director Paweł Pawlikowski (Ida) is an impossible love story in impossible times. Best Director at last year's Cannes Film Festival and winner of five European Film Awards including Best Film.
Cold War Cold War
A passionate love story between a man and a woman who meet in the ruins of post-war Poland. With different backgrounds and temperaments, they are fatally mismatched and yet fatefully condemned to each other.
What's On
Main Competition I (2024) Tekmovalni program I (2024)
različni avtorji
Tuesday, 03. 12. 2024 / 21:00 / Main Hall
The best new animated films from Central and Eastern Europe in the running for the Audience Award and the Jury Grand Prix. The filmmakers featured in this strand include animation legends and debut filmmakers alike, and everyone in between.
The Team Has Spoken Ekipa je spregovorila
različni avtorji
Tuesday, 03. 12. 2024 / 23:00 / Main Hall