The Box Office is open from 17:30 till 21:30 (open for another 01:11, phone: +386 1 239 22 17).
Animateka 2012

Focus on Slovakia IV (2012) Fokus na Slovaško IV (2012)

Slovakia / 91 min

Šah / Šach / Chess
Viktor Kubal (Slovenská filmová tvorba Bratislava)
Češkoslovaška/Czechoslovakia, 1974, 35mm, 5'07''

A grotesque development on a chess-board.

Stiki / Kontakty / Contacts
Jaroslava Havettová (Slovenská filmová tvorba Bratislava)
Češkoslovaška/Czechoslovakia, 1980, 35mm, 10'36''

An animated film in three episodes. Using everyday items, such as a pencil and a knife, an iron and a dress, matches and a candle, aspects of human relationships are examined; their love adventures, faithfulness, self sacrifice and false sentimentality. 

V klet / Do pivnice / To the Cellar
Jan Švankmajer (Slovenská filmová tvorba Bratislava)
Češkoslovaška/Czechoslovakia, 1983, 35mm, 14'46''

A little girl goes down to the basement cellar to fetch some potatoes, and finds all her hidden fears about the cellar depicted in animated form. 

V škatli / V kocke / In the Box
Michal Struss (VŠMU)
Slovaška/Slovakia, 1999, 35mm, 6'24''

The main character makes an effort to escape from a box. He tries a variety of ways, however, without success.

Fat Fatal
Michaela Čopíková (VŠMU)
Slovaška/Slovakia, 2005, 35mm, 5'32''

A short story about fat friendship in the absurd world. 

Veronika Obertová (VŠMU)
Slovaška/Slovakia, 2009, BetaSP, 7'19''

Viliam lives his own animated life within the real world. Childish fun turns into a problem, the problem becomes a solution. No solution is perfect though.

Kamni / Kamene / Stones
Katarína Kerekesová (Fool Moon)
Slovaška/Slovakia, 2010, 35mm, 26'

In a quarry, there are ten men working. They look like the stones they move in the mechanical rhythm of their labour. One evening, the daily rhythm is disrupted. Foreman’s wife comes to the quarry...  

Poslednji avtobus / Posledný autobus / The Last Bus
Martin Snopek, Ivana Laučíková (feel me film/AVI Studio/Martin Snopek)
Slovaška/Slovakia, 2011, DCP, 15'20''

It’s the start of the hunting season. The animals of the forest board a small bus and flee to safety. When hunters stop the bus in the middle of the night, its passengers reveal their true natures in fear for their lives.

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What's On

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Monday, 22. 07. 2024 / 21:00 / Main Hall

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