The Box Office is open from 15:00 till 20:30 (will open in 03:34).

FMF 2018: Short Film Programme 2 FMF 2018: Program kratkih filmov 2

razno / 57 min

Un hijo muerto, otro amenazado por las maras: el drama de un padre de familia huyendo de la violencia, Ricardo Weibezahn, Mauricio Rodríguez Pons, Mexico, 2017, 5'

Honey and Old Cheese, Yassine El Idrissi, Morocco, 2016, 25'

En el limbo: los refugiados que esperan en Belice, Andrea Patiño Contreras, Belize, 2017, 10'

Kot gora, Andreea Udrea, Slovenia, 2017, 17'


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What's On

Once Upon a Time in Soča Valley Nekoč v Posočju

Ema Kugler

Monday, 10. 03. 2025 / 16:00 / Main Hall

A poetic documentary about the old faith in the Soča Valley, passed down orally from generation to generation.

The Silence of Life V tišini življenja

Nina Blažin

Monday, 10. 03. 2025 / 17:00 / Small Hall

A story about departure, remembrance, and love. A film that celebrates life.

Medea Medea

Pier Paolo Pasolini

Monday, 10. 03. 2025 / 18:00 / Main Hall