The pioneer breakthrough and a great classic in the arena of gay erotica, Boys in the Sand, made by the Broadway dancer and choreographer Wakefield Pool, was the first publicly and officially screened film involving hard-core scenes of gay sexuality. This was the year before Deep Throat and the official beginning of the “porno chic” era, as mentioned in the annals. The Boys in the Sand were mentioned in prestige publications such as Variety and The New York Times. And they weren’t just chic—they were the first to be chic!
Boys in the Sand Boys in the Sand
Like Botticelli's Venera, the handsome Adonis stands up from the foaming sea. This is the beginning of the first of three vignettes entitled Bayside, Poolside, and Inside, which take place in the remote paradise of Fire Island off the coast of New York—a dreamy, playful, and breezy summer ode to freedom and physical love liberated from shame and stigma.
What's On
My Last Year as a Loser Ne bom več luzerka
Urša Menart
Thursday, 06. 03. 2025 / 17:30 / Main Hall
When a twenty-nine year-old art history graduate finds herself living on her parents’ sofa, penniless, jobless and without friends, she comes to the realisation that growing up is harder than she had expected.