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Animateka 2012

European Student Competition Programme II (2012) Evropski študentski tekmovalni program II (2012)

various / 77 min

Ime mi je Tom Moody / I am Tom Moody
Ainslie Henderson (Edinburgh College of Art)
Velika Britanija/UK, 2011, digiBeta, 6'55''

A Surreal trip through the subconscious of a stifled musician as he struggles to sing.

Vozniško dovoljenje / Écart de conduite
Rocio Alvarez (La Poudrière)
Francija/France, 2012, HD , 3'40''

Chloe takes her driving test – for the ninth time.

Nana Bobò
Andrea Cristofaro, Valentina De Miglio, F. Nicolò Mereu, Lucas Wild (CSC Torino)
Italija/Italy, 2012, HD, 4’27’’

A young gentleman arrives in the tropical city where he used to spend his lonely holidays. He wanders around, relaxes in the sun, enjoys a drink on the beach. But there’s something unsetting in this man who gathers up toys.

Svet na glavo / Head Over Heels
Timothy Reckart (National Film & Television School)
Velika Britanija/UK, 2012, HD, 10'18''

After many years of marriage, Walter and Madge have grown apart: he lives on the floor and she lives on the ceiling. When Walter tries to reignite their old romance, their equilibrium comes crashing down, and the couple that can’t agree which way is up must find a way put their marriage back together.

Neumna doba / L'ère Bête / The Stupid Era
Thomas Caudron, Ingrid Menet, Laurent Meriaux, Clement Tissier Seillé (Supinfocom / Valenciennes)
Francija/France, 2011, digiBeta, 6'45''

In medieval times, a beggar and his sow are led to a carnival where people have fun torturing animals as if they were human beings. Our two heroes are arrested and judged in their turn…

Prav na sredi / Zmitzt Drin / Right in the Middle
Cécile Brun (HSLU Luzern/Cécile Brun)
Švica/Switzerland, 2011, digiBeta, 5'06''

The present finds itself in a vacuum between past and future, a place where mountaintops disappear in the clouds. In the trip up the mountain, thoughts are liberated and go their own way into the clouds.

Zdaj si lepa / You Got Beautiful
Lauren Orme (University of Wales Newport/Lauren Orme)
Velika Britanija/UK, 2012, HD, 3'48''

A short animated documentary exploring the relationship between women and their bodies.

Čevljar in šivilja / Šoštar i šnajderica / Mister Shoemaker, Missis Dressmaker
Lucija Mrzljak (Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb)
Hrvaška/Croatia, 2012, HD, 9'05'

The film tells the story of the author’s grandparents and their life together trough craftsmanship: the grandfather who was a shoemaker and grandmother, a seamstress. The puppets were made entirely of the materials which were left in their work rooms after their death.

Vdova Caillou / La veuve Caillou / Widow Caillou
Agnès Patron (ENSAD)
Francija/France, 2011, digiBeta, 7'45''

Echoes in the mountains. Widow Caillou is splitting a few logs. All she has left. The only alternative is to join those who are now nothing more than a memory.

Ne o naju / Not About Us
Michael Frei (HSLU Luzern/Estonian Academy of Arts)
Švica, Estonija/Switzerland, Estonia, 2011, HD, 3'37''

She and he. Separated by a ceiling, unaware of each other’s existence, unknowingly repeat the same gestures. White and black, light and darkness, a man and a woman. Opposites that complement and penetrate each other. The ritual of switching on the light in a realistic scenery triggers a spark of feelings while surreal space, devoid of reality, enables their meeting.

Zdravnik za kugo / The Plague Doctor
Agatha Gomes (NCCA Bournemouth)
Velika Britanija/UK, 2012, HD, 3'23''

A gritty short animation set in 17th century London telling the story of a plague ridden body collector seeking a cure for his affliction, but what help can a doctor give to a man that faces certain death from a disease that has taken the lives of so many?

Kazen / El Castigo / The Punishment
Nelson Fernandes (9 zeros Centro de Estudios de Técnicas de Animación de Cataluña)
Španija/Spain, 2012, HD, 3'13''

Lisa, a lonely girl, has been punished by her mother so she confined herself to her bedroom, where she feeds her only friend, a plant, with her own tears.

Čakalnica / Čekaonica / Waiting Room
Jelena Oroz (Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb)
Hrvaška/Croatia, 2011, HD, 2'39''

Waiting for his mother, a boy puts on a mask and starts imagining the world where different creatures live.

Srečno življenje / Happy Life
Xin Sun, Yun Li (School of Art and Design Kassel)
Nemčija/Germany, 2012, HD, 6'02''

On a stormy, rainy night, a boy called “EGG” lays an egg from which a monster is born. The boy, terrified, throws it into the forest. However, this bizarre incident repeats every night, which leads EGG to feel like a monster himself, and his life gets more isolated…

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What's On

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Ema Kugler

Monday, 10. 03. 2025 / 16:00 / Main Hall

A poetic documentary about the old faith in the Soča Valley, passed down orally from generation to generation.

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Monday, 10. 03. 2025 / 17:00 / Small Hall

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Monday, 10. 03. 2025 / 18:00 / Main Hall