The Box Office is open from 15:00 till 20:30 (will open in 07:07).
Animateka 2012

European Student Competition Programme I (2012) Evropski študentski tekmovalni program I (2012)

various / 77 min

Film o nastajanju Longbirda / The Making of Longbird
Will Anderson (Edinburgh College of Art)
Velika Britanija/UK, 2011, digiBeta, 15'

An animator struggles with the character he draws. Not with any character but with the famous longbird, a classical Russian figure. At least he pretends to be famous. An ironic mockumentary about the process of artistic creation.

Sestra in brat / Sœur et frère / Sister and Brother
Marie Vieillevie (La Poudrière)
Francija/France, HD, 2012, 03'30''

The story of a young girl and the very close friendship she has with her older brother.

Jutranji vlak / Frühzug / Morning Train
Delia Hess (HSLU Luzern)
Švica/Switzerland, 2012, HD, 5'16''

After spending the night together, a couple parts ways. Guided by the activities of the man's morning rituals, she travels into a dream accompanied by the rhythms of the morning train and finds herself alone once again.

Popoldanski čaj / Teadélután / Afternoon Tea
Anna Ottlik (Budapest College of Communication, Business and Arts)
Madžarska/Hungary, 2012, HD, 1'10''

One afternoon Hamlet and Ophelia are having tea. But their afternoon tea turns into something else...

Zajtrk na travi / Eine murul / Breakfast on the grass
Erik Alunurm , Mihkel Reha, Mariliis Rbane, Mari Pakkas (Estonian Academy of Arts)
Estonija/Estonia, 2011, HD, 4'30''

It takes 99% of work and 1% talent to create a masterpiece.

Kar slišim, že vem / Ja već znam što čujem / I Already Know What I Hear
Darko Masnec (ALU Zagreb)
Hrvaška/Croatia, 2012, HD, 5'

Communication is lacking. This can be felt, just like the things that can never be truly spoken. But lack does not mean a black hole, it is a space that fills itself.

366 dni / 366 Tage / 366 Days
Johannes Friedrich Schiehsl (Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg)
Nemčija/Germany, 2011, HD, 12'12''

Starting his social work as paramedic, young Patrick soon comes in contact with patients that are all suffering from the same problem: loneliness. As he tries to help, he gets himself into relationships that are way more demanding than expected.

Jan Šrámek, Veronika Vlková (Faculty of fine arts Brno/Jan Šrámek/ANYMADE studio)
Češka/Czech Republic, 2012, HD, 5'55''

A little girl is the only living person we see in our wanderings through a deserted, post-apocalyptic city. She does not have to be a herald of a new civilization, nor a remainder of the old one. Maybe she just is, she is the one and only.

Poslednja jesen / Posledna esen / Last Autumn
Sofiya Ilieva (NATFA Sofia)
Bolgarija/Bulgaria, 2012, HD, 4'09''

The time for separation between a woman and her husband has arrived. Death comes from the mountains to pick the man. Inspired by Haiku.

Hitrost / Velocity
Karolina Glusiec (RCA)
Velika Britanija/UK, 2012, HD, 5'50'

“I always thought I had a perfect memory. I wanted to show these images to you. These images do not exist. These drawings are real. The memory is only in my head.”

Janneke Meekes (Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam)
Nizozemska/The Netherlands, 2012, HD, 2'25'

Versus is an animated short about contradictions.
Crowded versus Empty.
Color versus Black/White.
Life versus Death.
Abstract versus Illustrative.

Snail Trail
Phillipp Artus (Academy of Media Arts Cologne)
Nemčija/Germany, 2012, HD, 3'

A snail invents the wheel and goes through a cultural evolution to finally get back to its origin.

Babice / Abuelas / Grandmothers
Afarin Eghbal (National Film & Television School)
Velika Britanija/UK, 2011, digiBeta, 9'16''

In a small apartment in Buenos Aires, an old woman eagerly awaits the birth of her grandchild and all the joys of becoming a grandmother. However, horrific circumstances mean she is forced to wait over 30 years. Abuelas explores the traumatic ramifications of General Videla's military dictatorship in Argentina from 1976-83, whereby an estimated 30,000 men, women and children, 'disappeared'.

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Ema Kugler

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