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Animateka 2012

Family Elephant: Slovak Cartoons Družinski Slon: Slovaške risanke

various / 60 min

Večerníček / Bed-time Story beginning spot
Ladislav Čapek (ČST Bratislava)
Češkoslovaška/Czechoslovakia, 1977, digital, 0'45''A videoclip announcing the beginning and the end of the bed-time stories on Slovak Television for many generations of children.

O Petrovi: Petra bolí zub / About Peter: Peter Has a Toothache
Viktor Kubal (ČST Bratislava/SB Baden)
Češkoslovaška, Nemčija/Czechoslovakia, Germany, 1975, digital, 5’23’'
Small boy Peter suddenly finds himself in a very difficult situation connected with his tooth.

Najmenší hrdinovia: Pokazený budík / The Smallest Heroes: Broken Alarm Clock
František Jurišič (ČST Bratislava)
Češkoslovaška/Czechoslovakia, 1984, digital, 8'50''
A clever little girl is given a Boxing day present, which she uses to make two little dolls. These two become her guardians. They come to her rescue as soon as they hear her SOS call.

Marcelko a Bonifác: Ako chceli autíčko ukradnúť / Marcelko and Grandpa Bonifac: How They Wanted to Steal Marcelko, the Car
Josef Zeman (ČST Bratislava)
Češkoslovaška/Czechoslovakia, 1980, digital, 8'50''
A funny story about friendship of grandpa Bonifac and Marcelko – an old car which runs on cranberry juice. Once on a forest outing the villains try to steal Marcelko, the car.

Ako zajac prekabátil lenivého horára: Streda / The Hare and the Lazy Forester: Wednesday
Josef Zeman (ČST Bratislava)
Češkoslovaška/Czechoslovakia, 1985, digital, 7'50''The forester spends most of his time caring for his cabbage patch, weeding and watering it and making sure it grows, but a cabbage-eating hare comes everyday and steals the forester ́s cabbages. The story about a loss of the third piece of cabbage takes place on a Wednesday.

Vták Gabo: Gabo poštárom / Gabo, the Bird: Gabo as the Postman
Bohumil Šejda (ČST Bratislava)
Češkoslovaška/Czechoslovakia, 1987, digital, 7'
Gabo, the bird has his nest in a hat. He helps children and little animals, in this episode as a postman.

Dada a Dodo: Dada, Dodo a myš / Dada and Dodo: Dada, Dodo and the Mouse
Rudolf Urc (ČST Bratislava)
Češkoslovaška/Czechoslovakia, 1987, digital, 8'
Siblings Dada and Dodo try to catch a mouse and experience a series of surprising and extraordinary adventures.

Tri svište: Lovec / The Three Marmots: The Hunter
Bohumil Šejda (ČST Bratislava)
Češkoslovaška/Czechoslovakia, 1979, digital, 7'
The three marmots living in protected area of Slovak mountains love jokes and help to protect the nature. In this episode they have to protect themselves against the hunter. 

Sedem výmyselných budíkov: Ako myš liezla budíku na nervy / Seven Resourceful Alarm Clocks: How the Mouse Disturbed Alarm Clock
Mirko Kačena (ČST Bratislava)
Češkoslovaška/Czechoslovakia, 1991, digital, 7'
An animated series about a man and his inseparable friend – an alarm clock. They experience entertaining stories full of imagination and extraordinary situations – this time with a mouse.

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What's On

Sirocco and the Kingdom of the Winds Sirocco et le Royaume des courants d’air

Benoît Chieux

Wednesday, 03. 07. 2024 / 10:00 / Main Hall

Agnès, the neighbour of Juliette (4 years old) and Carmen (8 years old), writes children’s books that take place in a fantastic world, The Kingdom of the Winds. The two sisters discover a passage between their world and this extraordinary universe. Once there, the two girls are transformed into cats and separated from each other. They will have to show temerity and daring to find each other. With the help of the singer Selma, they will try to reach the real world by confronting Sirocco, the master of winds and storms… But is he as terrifying as they imagine?

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20,000 Species of Bees 20.000 especies de abejas

Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren

Wednesday, 03. 07. 2024 / 18:15 / Main Hall

Centring on a family faced with a gender crisis of their eight-year-old son, 20,000 Species of Bees is a study into interpersonal relationships that sheds light on the burning issues of gender and identity from a personal perspective and using metaphors from the natural world.