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EFA Shorts I (2022) Cvetober najboljših evropskih kratkih filmov leta I (2022)

various / 99 min

Push This Button If You Begin To Panic, Gabriel Böhmer; Nanu Tudor / My Uncle Tudor,  Olga Lucovnicova; VO, Nicolas Gourault; In Flow Of Words, Eliane Esther Bots; Beyond Is The Day / Dalej jest dzien, Damian Kocur

United Kingdom, animation, 2020, 13’
Director: Gabriel Böhmer
Screenplay: Gabriel Böhmer
Animation: Gabriel Böhmer
Sound: Gabriel Böhmer, Nacho Palacios
Music: Gabriel Böhmer, Nacho Palacios
Voice: Michael Paoli, Gabriel Böhmer, Samantha Monk
Production: Rational Vagabund Films (Samantha Monk)

Bartholomew Whisper went to the doctor today. There he met administrators keen on experimental surgery, and lonely MRI machines. At least the growing hole in his head was becoming quite beautiful.

Belgium, Portugal, Hungary, Moldova, dokumentarni documentary, 2020, 20’
Director: Olga Lucovnicova
Screenplay: Olga Lucovnicova
Cinematography: Olga Lucovnicova
Editing: Olga Lucovnicova
Sound: Olga Lucovnicova
Production: Luca School of Arts

After 20 years of silence, the filmmaker travels back to the house of her great-grandparents, where she passed through harmful events that left a deep imprint on her memory forever. The long-awaited family gathering runs counter to her attempts to overcome the past.

Netherlands, documentary, experimental, 2021, 22’
Director: Eliane Esther Bots
Screenplay: Eliane Esther Bots
Cinematography: Daniel Donato
Editing: Eliane Esther Bots
Sound: Sergio Gonzalez Cuervo
Production: near/by film (Manon Bovenkerk)

In flow of words follows the narratives of three interpreters of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. They interpreted shocking testimonies from witnesses, victims and perpetrators, without ever allowing their own emotions, feelings and personal histories to be present.

France, documentary animation, 2020, 19’
Director: Nicolas Gourault
Screenplay: Nicolas Gourault
Cinematography: Nicolas Gourault, Alan Guichaoua
Editing: Félix Rehm
Sound: Valentine Gelin, Arno Ledoux
Cast: Ryan Kelley, Jessica Champeaux, Yosra Mojtahedi
Production: Le Fresnoy, Studio national

A deadly accident involving a self-driving car and a pedestrian sets in motion a series of questions and concerns about the role of human vehicle operators in the training of autonomous automobiles.

Poland, fiction, 2020, 25’
Director: Damian Kocur
Screenplay: Damian Kocur
Cinematography: Damian Kocur
Editing: Pawel Laskowski, Damian Kocur
Scenography: Kamila Psciuk-Glazer
Costumes: Malgorzata Zablocka
Sound: Jakub Jerszyński
Cast: Pawel Bloch, Mohammad A. Issa
Production: Tomcat, Kinghouse

Paweł is a single man, who works on a small river ferry. Day by day he keeps doing the same things until he meets Mohammad, an illegal immigrant. Paweł decides to help him. Finally, there is someone he can talk to.

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