Neil is torn between two loves: Marina, the Ukrainian woman who came to Oklahoma to live with him, and Jane, the old flame he reconnects with from his hometown. Following The Tree of Life, Terrence Malick continues his poetic introspection, this time exploring how love and its many phases and seasons (passion, sympathy, obligation, sorrow, indecision) can transform, destroy, and reinvent lives. Named after the Benedictine abbey Mont St. Michel, a.k.a. “The Wonder of the West”. Not to be missed by anyone who loved The Tree of Life. (English, French and Spanish spoken)
What's On
My Last Year as a Loser Ne bom več luzerka
Urša Menart
Thursday, 06. 03. 2025 / 17:30 / Main Hall
When a twenty-nine year-old art history graduate finds herself living on her parents’ sofa, penniless, jobless and without friends, she comes to the realisation that growing up is harder than she had expected.