In each episode Pink, Blue, Orange, Yellow and Green explore their surroundings and, through play, learn about the world around them, each other, and themselves. With comedy at the forefront of The Very Small Creatures, the themes of each episode relate to an aspect of a toddler’s life from learning about relationships, teamwork and empathy, to understanding each other’s differences.
The Very Small Creatures The Very Small Creatures
The Very Small Creatures is a brand new pre-school series from Aardman, created using stop-motion animation and clay models with the occasional graphic flourish.
What's On
My Last Year as a Loser Ne bom več luzerka
Urša Menart
Thursday, 06. 03. 2025 / 17:30 / Main Hall
When a twenty-nine year-old art history graduate finds herself living on her parents’ sofa, penniless, jobless and without friends, she comes to the realisation that growing up is harder than she had expected.