A documentary filmmaker and his girlfriend take into their home Bikini Moon, a charismatic but troubled Iraq war vet who finds herself homeless on the streets of Brooklyn, (repeatedly) turning the lives of the couple upside down. A powerful stampede of images and multiple narrative somersaults, the film explores the relationship between fiction and reality, between modern surveillance and the need for intimacy. The viewer readily embarks on a journey from cinéma vérité to realistic drama, all the way to fantasy and back to the real world, where real people indulge in daydreaming. The latest work by the Macedonian filmmaker is an American indie film through and through.
What's On
The Brutalist The Brutalist
Brady Corbet
Thursday, 23. 01. 2025 / 16:00 / Main Hall
An engrossing epic, Brady Corbet’s film chronicles the journey of Hungarian-born Jewish architect, who, in 1947, left his homeland to make a new life for himself in the US.
Cent’anni Cent’anni
Maja Doroteja Prelog
Thursday, 23. 01. 2025 / 19:15 / Small Hall
An emotional rollercoaster with heart-wrenching confessions and poetic visuals in the midst of beautiful natural sceneries, an unfiltered testament to love and change.