"The conclusion of this celebrated French trilogy, capping the adventures of Sebastian and his devoted dog, Belle. In the French Alps circa WWII, Sebastian, happy in his rural village with Belle and her pups, is unsettled when he overhears news of a potential move. Even more disturbing is the stranger who appears, claiming Belle as his own. It will take all of Sebastian’s determination and devotion to those he loves to surmount these challenges in this stunningly filmed series culmination."
- New York International Children's Film Festival
Belle and Sebastian, Friends for Life Belle et Sébastien 3, le dernier chapitre
What's On
All We Imagine as Light All We Imagine as Light
Payal Kapadia
Wednesday, 22. 01. 2025 / 16:30 / Main Hall
Young up-and-coming Indian filmmaker, Payal Kapadia, crowns her fiction debut with the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival.
Smoke Sauna Sisterhood Savvusanna sõsarad
Anna Hints
Wednesday, 22. 01. 2025 / 18:00 / Small Hall
In the Estonian countryside, a group of women meet in a smoke sauna by a lake in the woods. In this intimate, deeply empathetic debut documentary by Anna Hints, in the safe darkness of the traditional smoke sauna, they share their deepest secrets and most personal experiences. Winner of the European Film Award for Best Documentary.
The Brutalist The Brutalist
Brady Corbet
Wednesday, 22. 01. 2025 / 19:00 / Main Hall
An engrossing epic, Brady Corbet’s film chronicles the journey of Hungarian-born Jewish architect, who, in 1947, left his homeland to make a new life for himself in the US.