Belle and Sebastian is set high in the snowy Alps during the Second World War. The resourceful Sebastian (an adorable Félix Bossuet) is a lonely boy who tames and befriends a giant, wild mountain dog, Belle – even though the villagers believe her to be ‘the beast’ that has been killing their sheep. At the same time, the Germans have arrived in the peaceful village looking for resistance members who are helping Jewish refugees escape into Switzerland. Through danger and adventure, Belle and Sebastian forge an indestructible friendship. Set against breathtaking scenery and a dramatic time in history, and co-starring Tchéky Karyo, one of France’s most popular actors, this moving story will be enjoyed by the whole family.
What's On
All We Imagine as Light All We Imagine as Light
Payal Kapadia
Wednesday, 22. 01. 2025 / 16:30 / Main Hall
Young up-and-coming Indian filmmaker, Payal Kapadia, crowns her fiction debut with the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival.
Smoke Sauna Sisterhood Savvusanna sõsarad
Anna Hints
Wednesday, 22. 01. 2025 / 18:00 / Small Hall
In the Estonian countryside, a group of women meet in a smoke sauna by a lake in the woods. In this intimate, deeply empathetic debut documentary by Anna Hints, in the safe darkness of the traditional smoke sauna, they share their deepest secrets and most personal experiences. Winner of the European Film Award for Best Documentary.