The Box Office is open from 15:00 till 20:15 (will open in 09:52).
Animateka 2017

Animated Documentaries II (2017) Animirani dokumentarci II (2017)


Ne-kdo / Some-Body
Yuliya Molina (Zavod APIS)
Slovenija/Slovenia, 2015/16, digital, 3'50”

The video was filmed in the technique of pixilation, where the author appears herself and uses a variety of props, her voice heard in the background. She answers questions she receives from the surroundings; some of them she raises herself: Where did I come from? What am I working on? Who am I? In her search of identity, we can recognize characteristics of the younger generations who are unable to define themselves and their work uniquely.

Avtoportret / Self-portrait
Mitja Manček (Mitja Manček)
Slovenija/Slovenia, 2016, digital, 15'46”

Director's review of the first three decades of his life.

Travelogue Tel Aviv
Samuel Patthey (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts)
Švica/Switzerland, 2017, digital, 6'00”

A young art student from Switzerland arrives in Tel Aviv for six months. Through drawing he will learn to analyse, understand and free himself of this contrasted environment.

Čedalje bliže / Jöttszembe / It Was Coming Forward
Lívia Janoch (Moholy-nagy University Of Art And Design Budapest)
Madžarska/Hungary, 2016, digital, 9'45”

A short based on several interviews recorded in Budapest during 2012. The characters exemplify lower social classes. The film tries to show the truth of these people, the people who did not share in the blessings of globalization, but were left out on the fringes.

Ure, minute, dnevi / Stunden Minuten Tage / Hours Minutes Days
Edith Stauber (Edith Stauber)
Avstrija/Austria, 2017, digital, 8'53”

A wall clock with a ceramic dial clearly indicates the time elapsing, as it must. A rumpled bed is seen, a bathtub gradually filling with water, an espresso pot simmering on the stove. Ticking, dripping and hissing is heard. These are snapshots of the start of a day in the life of a woman who is briefly reflected in the window of a washing machine in spin cycle.

Po kapljicah / Água Mole / Drop By Drop
Laura Gonçalves, Alexandra Ramires – xá (Bando À Parte)
Portugalska/Portugal, 2017, digital, 9'44”

The last inhabitants of a village refuse to let themselves sink into oblivion. In a world where the idea of progress appears to be above all, this home floats.

Prevod / Translation
Veronika Schubert (Veronika Schubert)
Avstrija/Austria, 2017, digital, 3'09”

What characterizes cultural exchange on an international level? Speeches of diplomats, ambassadors and cultural workers were extracted and recombined. Sign language, braille and Morse code complement this linguistic potpourri.

Jarek / Areka / The Ditch
Atxur Animazio Taldea (Lekuk Kultur Elkartea)
Španija/Spain, 2017, digital, 7'20”

Euxebi’s father was killed during the war. In her youth, Euxebi suffered Francoist repression and, to this day, despite the fact that the dictatorship ended long ago, she has not had the chance to recover the memory of her father. After many years, when they finally open the grave where her father is, Euxebi puts a picture next to his bones.

Poletni dan / Ein Sommertag / A Summer's Day
Lenny Heller, Philipp Hester, Kira König (Filmakademie Baden-württemberg)
Nemčija/Germany, 2016, digital, 3'36”

A young woman remembers a sunny day in school.

Intimnost / Intimity
Elodie Dermange (Nadasdy Film/RTS)
Švica/Switzerland, 2017, digital, 5'

As she is showering, dressing, putting on her make-up, a woman bares her soul. She speaks of her fears, her complexes, and the process of accepting – even loving – herself.

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What's On

The Brutalist The Brutalist

Brady Corbet

Thursday, 23. 01. 2025 / 16:00 / Main Hall

An engrossing epic, Brady Corbet’s film chronicles the journey of Hungarian-born Jewish architect, who, in 1947, left his homeland to make a new life for himself in the US.

Sold Out

Gram of Heart Gram srca

Jan Cvitkovič

Thursday, 23. 01. 2025 / 17:30 / Small Hall

Cent’anni Cent’anni

Maja Doroteja Prelog

Thursday, 23. 01. 2025 / 19:15 / Small Hall

An emotional rollercoaster with heart-wrenching confessions and poetic visuals in the midst of beautiful natural sceneries, an unfiltered testament to love and change.