The Box Office is open from 14:00 till 20:00 (open for another 59 minutes, phone: +386 1 239 22 17).
Animateka 2016

The Elephant in Competition II (2016) Slonov tekmovalni program II (2016)

various / 7-10

Marjolaine Perreten (La Poudrière)
France, 2015, digital, 4'

Autumn has set in by the banks of a stream. A series of small animals busy themselves in preparation for the long winter ahead.

Le Renard minuscule/The Teeny-weeny Fox
Aline Quertain, Sylwia Szkiladz (Folimage/La Boite,... Productions/Nadasdy Film)
France, Belgium, Switzerland, 2015, digital, 8'22”

In the middle of a luxuriant garden, a teeny-weeny fox meets a daring little girl who grows giant plants! By lucky coincidence, they realise that they can grow objects too; the clever little devils think up all sorts of things to do…

První sníh/First Snow
Lenka Ivančíková (Film academy of Miroslav Ondříček in Písek/Crossroad production/Czech TV)
Czech Republic, 2015, digital, 13'34”

First snow is a fairy tale about the curious little Hedgehog who gets lost in snowy woods and so he heads out for a dangerous adventure to find his den.

Le jour où j’ai battu le ciel/The Day I Beat the Sky
Hugues Valin (Ecole Estienne)
France, 2016, digital, 2'48”

While he is fascinated by every resonating thing, a boy must face his greatest fear: a storm. He’s then going to use his gift for rhythms and sounds to beat his phobia.

Mala šola uresničarije/Gone Wishing
Niko Grum (Gustav film)
Slovenia, 2016, digital, 10'51”

Mladi duhec iz svetilke, rojen v legendarno družino mojstrov izpolnjevanja želja, bo naredil vse, da njegov strogi oče ne izve za njegovo velikansko skrivnost – je prvi čarodej v družini, ki nima čarovniških sposobnosti in ne zna izpolniti ene same želje.

A young, little ghost of the oil lamp, born into the legendary family of wish-fulfilling masters, will do anything to prevent his strict father from learning his big secret: he is the first magical ghost in the family without any magical powers, and he cannot make even a single wish come true.

Cats & Dogs
Jesús Pérez, Gerd Gockell (Gerd Gockell Filmproduktion/Anigraf Filmproduktion/SRF)
Germany, Switzerland, 2015, digital, 6'09”

An animated short film for children about friendship. One can’t force a friendship, but an emergency can build a friendship.

In the middle of a luxuriant garden, a teeny-weeny fox meets a daring little girl who grows giant plants! By lucky coincidence, they realise that they can grow objects too; the clever little devils think up all sorts of things to do…

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What's On


The Seed of the Sacred Fig Daneh Anjeer Moghadas

Mohammad Rasoulof

Tuesday, 11. 03. 2025 / 19:30 / Main Hall

Additional Screening

Cent’anni Cent’anni

Maja Doroteja Prelog

Tuesday, 11. 03. 2025 / 20:00 / Small Hall

An emotional rollercoaster with heart-wrenching confessions and poetic visuals in the midst of beautiful natural sceneries, an unfiltered testament to love and change.

Evil Does Not Exist Aku wa sonzai shinai

Ryusuke Hamaguchi

Wednesday, 12. 03. 2025 / 10:00 / Main Hall

The ecological health of a small Japanese rural community is threatened by a new glamping development. But evil is done by ordinary people with reasons for their incomprehensible urge to destroy.