10-year-old Angelo dreams of being an adventurer and explorer. Until one day, in the car with his family on their way to visit his beloved Granny, who is very ill, he is suddenly forced to show the extent of his bravery: he is left behind by mistake at the motorway services. Angelo decides to take a shortcut through the forest to reach his Granny’s house. He finds himself in a mysterious land inhabited by strange beings threatened by an enemy even worse than the local ogre. (source: Annecy)
What's On
Two With Adjani
Nosferatu the Vampyre Nosferatu – Phantom der Nacht
Werner Herzog
Monday, 20. 01. 2025 / 20:00 / Main Hall
A Tree Grows in My Dreams Every Night V mojih sanjah rase vsako noč drevo
Vid Hajnšek
Monday, 20. 01. 2025 / 20:30 / Small Hall