Diane Ng worked on the film as co-director, co-producer and co-DP. The film Hummingbirds is based on the collaborative apprenticeship. As the film crew stated:
»Hummingbirds has been lovingly crafted by a team of mostly first-time filmmakers in all key roles at all stages of the project. We describe our approach as a collaborative apprenticeship model of filmmaking, where artists who are new to nonfiction cinema share responsibilities and credits with more experienced mentors. In this dynamic, the exchange of learning goes both ways. /…/ We hope that Hummingbirds can become a template for industry access and early career development across all crew positions on documentary films, contributing to a world where more directors, producers, editors, cinematographers, field recordists, colorists, animators, composers, mixers, and sound designers work on films that reflect their own communities, identities, and experiences.«
After the screening of the film, we will talk to Diane Ng about the making of Hummingbirds and the issues it raises, as well as the position of young people in the film world.