The Box Office is open from 09:00 till 21:00 (will open in 07:19).

Let It Roll

Music film festival; June 2019.

Kinodvor in Center Zalog

Diverse and quality films from the city's cinema, beyond the city centre; May 2018.

Early Bird: Festival At Five

Weekly Festival Film Screenings. Tuesdays at 17:00 (except during film festivals, public holidays and official Summer holidays).

Film on the Street

Two days of film, music, urban sports and workshops at the school playground in Zalog, Ljubljana; until autumn 2017.

Film on Demand

Our innovative programme incorporating films chosen by the audience; pilot project, 2015/16.


The programme offers ‘regularly irregular’ films each with a unique film and post-screening discussion.


For parents with children, on Sundays at 11:00.