Grands Canons
Alain Biet (Girelle Production)
France, 2018, digital, 10'45''
Superimposed, condensed, multiplied, thousands of documentary drawings in successive series come to life on the screen, composing a veritable visual symphony of everyday objects.
Težava s troli / The Trouble With Trolls
Alan Jennings (Alan Jennings)
USA, 2018, digital, 2'55''
A handful of daring trolls stage a great escape from their ogre captor.
Balada o fruli i ogrlici / The Ballad Of Pipe And Necklace
Martin Babić (Jaka produkcija)
Croatia, 2018, digital, 11'55''
In the Stone Age, a young Slovenian invented the first flute, and a Croatian girl invented the first necklace in the world. The young couple soon meet and fall in love, but their tribes go into open conflict. All this leads to a great adventure.
Sister Of The Wind
Patrick Jenkins (Patrick Jenkins)
Canada, 2017, digital, 4'07''
An animated film about the relationship between the wind and the flute, and Asian culture, made in collaboration with Grammy nominated flutist Ron Korb. The flute is played with just breath, evoking the sound of the wind. The wind that blows the flute, is the breath of life.
Kuldrenett / Golden Reinette
Liis Kokk (Estonian Academy of Arts)
Estonia, 2018, digital, 3'20''
A story of a man and an apple tree. The stubborn attempts of man to reach the apples disrupt the balance of the world.
1 Mètre/heure
Nicolas Deveaux (Cube Creative)
France, 2018, digital, 8'37''
Caught up in our human lives, we miss out on the amazing. On an airplane wing, a company of snails performs a wonderfully slippery choreography...
Grands Canons
Alain Biet (Girelle Production)
Francija/France, 2018, digital, 10'45''
Tisočero prekrivajočih se, zgoščenih in pomnoženih dokumentarnih risb oživi na platnu v zaporednem nizu in se splete v pravo vizualno simfonijo vsakdanjih predmetov.
Superimposed, condensed, multiplied, thousands of documentary drawings in successive series come to life on the screen, composing a veritable visual symphony of everyday objects.
Težava s troli / The Trouble With Trolls
Alan Jennings (Alan Jennings)
ZDA/USA, 2018, digital, 2'55''
Skupina drznih trolov uprizori veličasten pobeg iz krempljev zavojevalskega velikana.
A handful of daring trolls stage a great escape from their ogre captor.
Balada o piščalki in ogrlici / Balada o fruli i ogrlici / The Ballad Of Pipe And Necklace
Martin Babić (Jaka produkcija)
Hrvaška/Croatia, 2018, digital, 11'55''
V kameni dobi je mlad Slovenec izdelal prvo piščalko, hrvaško dekle pa je ustvarilo prvo ogrlico na svetu. Mladi par se sreča in zaljubi. Ko se njuni plemeni spopadeta, se prične velika pustolovščina.
In the Stone Age, a young Slovenian invented the first flute, and a Croatian girl invented the first necklace in the world. The young couple soon meet and fall in love, but their tribes go into open conflict. All this leads to a great adventure.
Sestra vetra / Sister Of The Wind
Patrick Jenkins (Patrick Jenkins)
Kanada/Canada, 2017, digital, 4'07''
Animirani film o odnosu med vetrom in flavto ter o azijski kulturi; nastal je v sodelovanju s flavtistom Ronom Korbom, nominiranim za grammyja. Za igranje flavte zadostuje dih in ta prikliče zvok vetra. Veter, ki zapiha v flavto, je dih življenja.
An animated film about the relationship between the wind and the flute, and Asian culture, made in collaboration with Grammy nominated flutist Ron Korb. The flute is played with just breath, evoking the sound of the wind. The wind that blows the flute, is the breath of life.
Zlata reneta / Kuldrenett / Golden Reinette
Liis Kokk (Estonian Academy of Arts)
Estonija/Estonia, 2018, digital, 3'20''
Zgodba o možu in jablani. Trmasti poskusi moža, da bi dosegel jabolka, vržejo svet iz ravnovesja.
A story of a man and an apple tree. The stubborn attempts of man to reach the apples disrupt the balance of the world.
1 Mètre/heure
Nicolas Deveaux (Cube Creative)
Francija/France, 2018, digital, 8'37''
Ko se zapletamo v lastno človeško življenje, zamudimo tiste izjemne trenutke. Skupina polžev na krilu letala izvede čudovito spolzko koreografijo.
Caught up in our human lives, we miss out on the amazing. On an airplane wing, a company of snails performs a wonderfully slippery choreography...