The Box Office is open from 17:40 till 21:30 (will open in 11:05).
Accompanying Events of the Kinotrip Film Festival 2018

Accompanying Events of the Kinotrip Film Festival 2018

Film talks with guests, exhibition, workshop, party!

Film Talks with Guests
Like every year, Kinotrip will again organise talks with interesting guests. With some of them, we will talk and socialise in person, while others will join us via Skype. List of all film talks with guests – here.

Exhibition: Film Poster
After exiting the cinema hall, you enter Kinodvor’s Gallery, where you can view the posters made by the young participants of the pre-festival Film Poster workshop.

Kinotrip closing party
Saturday, 31. March, at 22.00 after the last festival screening.

Kinotrip Audience Award
Vote for your favourite Kinotrip film and compete for roller skates.
Young festival visitors will be able to vote for and award the film of their choice. After the screening, do not forget to cast your ballot with your rating of the film. The director of the winning film will receive the Kinotrip Audience Award. By voting, you too could win an award. At the final festival screening, we will draw the lucky winner of roller skates presented by iTAK Šport.

Film receptions
After certain screenings, the receptions in the Kinodvor Café will cater for all film tastes –tense, dark, funny, amorous, summery … and always delicious!



Kinotrip’s festival trailers
This year, we organised a pre-festival contest entitled My View. We invited young people to submit short films presenting their views on film or cinema. You can find the selected works on Kinotrip’s website and social networks. As festival trailers, we will also screen them in the cinema. We will announce the contest winner and two special mentions at the closing ceremony on Saturday, 31 March. The main prize is a Lenovo TAB 4 tablet presented by Hestia pro.

Kinotrip’s photo & video coverage
The entire happening before and behind Kinotrip’s big screen will be carefully recorded by a group of young photo and video reporters. Diana Antončič, Luka Hudobivnik, Luka Javornik and Vanda Stubelj from the Ljubljana High School for Media and Graphic Technology will capture all the interesting moments for you. You can follow them on Kinotrip’s Facebook and Instagram pages.

Narokana at Kinotrip
This year’s festival happening will also be covered by Ana Šega and Rok Gumzej, presenters of Čist zares, a youth programme at TV Slovenia, and vloggers. You can find them on all social networks under the name Narokana.

Workshop: Sharpening the Gaze at Kinotrip!
From Wednesday, 28 March, to Saturday, 31 March

During the four-day workshop on film criticism, we will watch select festival treats and transfer our in-depth discussions about them to paper. We will debate and improve the texts with the help of the mentor, who will comment on the texts and provide writing guidelines.   The final products will be published on the websites of the KINO! Society for Expanding Film Culture and the Kinotrip festival, while a selection of them will also appear in the KINO! magazine.

The workshop will be conducted at Kinodvor by film theoretician Maja Krajnc.

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