The Other Way Around Volveréis
cast Itsaso Arana, Vito Sanz, Fernando Trueba, Andrés Gertrúdix
What's On
The Brutalist The Brutalist
Brady Corbet
Friday, 28. 03. 2025 / 20:00 / Main Hall
A monumental epic about a Jewish architect who, in the post-World War II era, comes to grips with the dark side of the American dream. Winner of the Golden Lion for Best Direction in Venice.
Piro Piro Piro Piro
Baek Mi-young, Min Sung-ah
Saturday, 29. 03. 2025 / 10:00 / Main Hall
A programme of short animated films from South Korea with no dialogues, invite young viewers into a pastel-coloured, poetic and tender world dominated entirely by birds, butterflies, rabbits and flowers.
Into the Wonderwoods Angelo dans la forêt mystérieuse
Vincent Paronnaud, Alexis Ducord
Saturday, 29. 03. 2025 / 11:30 / Main Hall
10-year-old Angelo dreams of being an adventurer and explorer.