"The basis for the animated film Dozens of Norths is the series of cover illustrations and short texts that I made across 32 issues of the monthly literary magazine “Bungaku-Kai” (Published by Bungeishunju) from April 2012 to December 2014. In this work, by fantasizing about a fictional movie, I thought of each independent cover as a scene of one larger story and wrote a text for each illustration I made.
This film does not depict the specific reasons, but rather people whose lives have become stuck for some reason. North as a direction is one thing, but in this film, I made north plural. North is ubiquitous, it is both that place and the north beyond it."
- Yamamura Koji
During the 1990s, Koji Yamamura was making films for children, such as Pacusi, Bavel's Book and Mt. Head, which was nominated for an Oscar for Best Animated Short (2002). In 2021, he was selected as the 2nd among 25 top short animated films’ directors over the last 25 years. He is also a picture book author ("Viva Vegetables (Oyaoya Oyasai)", "Parade" etc).