The Box Office is open from 14:15 till 21:00 (will open in 02:57).
For a safe and pleasant visit to the cinema

For a safe and pleasant visit to the cinema

Kinodvor is open from 1 June. However certain safety measures should be observed when visiting the cinema. Please follow the instructions and recommendations to help protect the wellbeing of all visitors (listed in the article).

  • Come to the cinema only if you are healthy and show no symptoms of illness.
  • Enter the event venue individually and disinfect your hands when entering, and put on a mask.
  • o not touch your eyes, nose and mouth and follow the rules of hand hygiene, coughing and sneezing.
  • Always keep a safe distance from each other (at least 1.5 m).
  • The number of visitors is limited and the seats are set up so as to keep a distance of 1.5 m between spectators.
  • There is a seating plan. Observe it.
  • Follow the instructions given by the ticketing agents.
  • Turn off your mobile phone and other electronic devices that emit sound and/or light before the screening starts.
  • Contactless (i.e. card) payment is recommended.

Thank you for following the above safety instructions and recommendations. Enjoy your film night!

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