Caroline Leaf je animirane filme začela ustvarjati leta 1968 kot študentka univerze Harvard v Bostonu. Leta 1972 se je na povabilo kanadskega filmskega sveta NFB preselila v Montreal, kjer je do leta 1991 delala kot animatorka/režiserka likov. Njeni najvidnejši filmi iz tega obdobja so: Sova, ki se je poročila z gosjo (1974), Ulica (1976) – priredba kratke zgodbe Mordecaija Michlerja, ki je bila nominirana za oskarja –, Preobrazba g. Samse (1977), Intervju (1979) in Sestri (1990) – film z izvirnim scenarijem, ustvarjen z jedkanjem 70-milimetrskega filmskega traku. Caroline Leaf je leta 1996 prejela nagrado za življenjsko delo na Zagrebškem mednarodnem festivalu animiranega filma. Leta 1999 je Britanski filmski inštitut v zbirki Connoisseur Video izdal komercialno dostopno videokompilacijo njenih animiranih filmov. Njeno pedagoško delo obsega številne praktične delavnice animacije, med drugim na National Film and Television School in Royal College of Art v Londonu, ter delavnico za otroke v Walker Art Centru v Minneapolisu v ZDA. Vodila je tudi osemtedenski tečaj svojih animacijskih tehnik na Queensland College of Art v avstralskem Brisbanu (1994). Njena najpomembnejša pedagoška izkušnja je poučevanje animacije na univerzi Harvard med letoma 1996 in 1998. Na področju komercialne animacije je sodelovala s Colossal Films v San Franciscu in Acme Filmworks v Los Angelesu. V Montrealu je komercialne projekte ustvarjala za Pascal Blais Productions. Trenutno večino časa preživi v Londonu, kjer z britanskim vizumom za umetnike lahko dela na področju animacije in ustvarja v svojem slikarskem studiu.
Caroline Leaf started to make animated films as a student at Harvard University in Boston in 1968. In 1972 she moved to Montréal at the invitation of the National Film Board of Canada, There she worked as a staff animator/director until 1991. Her major animated films from these years are: The Owl Who Married a Goose (1974), The Street (1976), which received an Academy Award nomination and is adapted from a short story by Mordecai Richler, The Metamorphosis of Mr. Samsa (1977), Interview (1979), and Two Sisters (1990), which is an original story and is etched in the layers of 70mm film emulsion. In 1996 she received a Life Achievement Award from Zagreb International Animation Festival. In 1999 The British Film Institute, under the Connoisseur Video label, released a commercially available compilation video of her animated films. Her teaching experience includes many “hands on” workshops in animation, including The National Film and Television School and the Royal College of Art in London, and one for children at the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis USA. She has also taught an 8 week course in her techniques of animation at the Queensland College of Art in Brisbane, Australia (1994). Her main teaching experience was from 1996 to 1998 when she taught the animation course at Harvard University. She has had commercial animation affiliations with Colossal Films in San Francisco and Acme Filmworks in Los Angeles. In Montreal she has worked commercially for Pascal Blais Productions. Today she lives mainly in London, England where she has a UK artist visa allowing her to work in animation and keep a studio for painting.