Kaspar Jancis (Esti Joonisfilm) Estonija/Estonia, 2009, 35mm, 16’45”
Zgodba o nekdanjem opernem pevcu, ki ga je pot usode prisilila, da se preživlja z zabavanjem otrok v nakupovalnem središču, oblečen v penast krokodilji kostum. Za bivšega tenorja je takšen obstoj ne le žalosten, ampak ostuden, zato svojo jezo stresa na otroke. Nekega dne pa v njegovo življenje vstopi usodna ženska … in … krokodil.
The story of a former opera star who must, by the will of Fate, work as a Crocodile in a styrofoam costume entertaining children in a shopping centre. This kind of life seems joyless and even disgusting to the former leading tenor, and he vents his frustration by behaving rudely. Until one day, into his life enters a fateful woman…and…a crocodile.
Viktória Traub (MOME Budapest) Madžarska/Hungary, 2008, Beta SP, 4’56”
Pogled na edinstveni svet, ki se skriva v sleherni dežni kaplji, kjer so liki podrejeni dežju in obstajajo le kot metafore, dokler jih poplava ne odnese proč.
A vision of the unique world found in every single raindrop, where the characters are subordinate to the rain, existing as metaphors until they are carried away by the streaming flood.
Robert Srebrnič (ALU Ljubljana) Slovenija/Slovenia, 2009, miniDV, 5’30”
Deček se sproščeno igra pod drevesom in uživa v toplem poletnem dnevu v sredozemski vasici. Njegovo igro prekine nenavadno dogajanje na nebu. Opazi zvezdo z dolgim repom, ki strmoglavi na Zemljo in se ob padcu poškoduje. Ker je deček dobrega srca, nemudoma steče k njej, jo nese domov in popravi. Ko pa je delo narejeno, zvezda nenadoma oživi …
A little boy enjoys spending his day playing under a tree in a Mediterranean village. His game is interrupted by a strange phenomenon in the sky. A star flies over the sky above and crashes to the ground. The good-natured boy runs to the star and takes it home where he cares for it. And at one point, the star suddenly comes to life…
Miklós Mendrei (MOME Budapest) Madžarska/Hungary, 2008, Beta SP, 9’14”
V življenju osamljenega moža je vsak dan prav tak kot tisti pred njim. Dnevi in meseci minevajo, zanj pa se je čas ustavil, saj nima več razloga za življenje.
Each day is exactly the same in the life of this lonely man. Days and months go by, yet for him time stands still, for he has lost the reason to live.
Yves Gutjahr (HSLU Luzern) Švica/Switzerland, 2009, 35mm, 5’48”
Zimska nevihta predrami štiri naravne elemente. Zgodba o tragični ljubezni med naravnimi silami.
The four elements wake up during a winter storm. A tragic love story between the forces of nature.
Pawel Dębski (PWFSTviT Łódź) Poljska/Poland, 2008, Beta SP, 6’45”
Protagonist filma je nož. Vrsta nesrečnih dogodkov njegovo kariero kuhinjskega noža pripelje h koncu in znajde se na cesti. Zato nam pove zgodbo, iz katere izvemo, kdo je bil, kje in kako je živel in zakaj so ga vrgli iz kuhinje.
The film’s main hero is a knife. A series of unfortunate events causes him to end his kitchen knife career and end up on the street. This provokes him to tell a story, which reveals who he was, where and how he lived and why he was thrown out of the kitchen.
Ivan Ivanovski Makedonija/Macedonia, 2009, Beta SP, 7’35”
Notri, v prostoru med štirimi stenami. Notri, v osebnem svetu halucinacij in pričakovanj … Film nam prikaže vase zaprt svet posameznika, ki živi v hrepenenju po trenutkih preteklosti v objemu ljubljene osebe.
Inside, in a space between four walls; Inside, in an individual world of hallucinations and expectations… The film introduces the isolated world of a character, living in nostalgia for the past moments spent with his loved one.
István Orosz (MA-RA Film) Madžarska/Hungary, 2008, 35mm, 7’40”
»Vse stvari so števila …« Pitagora
“All things are numbers…” Pythagora
Darko Bakliža (Diedra/Zagreb film) Hrvaška/Croatia, 2009, Beta SP, 5’38”
Film skozi gibanje prevprašuje odnos in vrzeli med moškim in žensko.
Through movement, Format deals with relationships and the boundaries between a man and a woman.
Aneta Kýrová (FAMU Prague) Češka/Czech Republic, 2008, Beta SP, 6’40”
Kako popraviti napako, za katero so krive raztresene štorklje?
How to fix a mistake made by some scatterbrained storks?
POTOVANJE#0008–0209 / PERCORSO#0008–0209 / JOURNEY#0008–0209
Igor Imhoff Italija/Italy, 2009, miniDV, 5’35”
Ko je vse že ovito v meglo in nejasnost spomina, se v svetu, kjer znaki in podobe že tonejo v temo, odvija igra menjajočih se likov. Le majhna iskra pomaga deklici, da se poda na nepredvidljivo potovanje.
When all is wrapped by the fog and by the obscurity of memory, a play of figures alternates in a world where signs and images are already darkened. Only a little spark allows a child to undertake an unpredictable journey.
Alexei Alexeev (Studio Baestarts) Madžarska/Hungary, 2008, digiBeta, 1′
Globoko v gozdu živijo tri živali, ki od vsega najraje uprizarjajo jam session na svojih improviziranih glasbilih. Medved igra kontrabas, volk pokriva vokale, zajec pa tolkala – s svojo glavo. Težava je v tem, da jim je ves čas za petami lovec, pa seveda vse druge gozdne živali, in tudi vreme je samo v napoto!
Deep in the forest three animals love nothing more than freestyle jammin’ with their customized instruments. The bear’s on bass, there’s a howlin’ wolf, and the rabbit provides the beats – with his head. The only problem is, there’s a hunter who’s out to get them, oh and so are all the other forest animals, and the weather doesn’t help much either!